About living Unsilenced


Ending the cycle of generational silence and mental bondage.

Living Unsilenced (originally Unsilenced) started in 2020 as a small group for people to share their unfiltered personal truths that are often shamed and judged by society. It was an open space to be in all our messiness.

Now Living Unsilenced is a movement, guiding others to use their voice to tell their truth and live in true freedom.

We believe true personal freedom is reachable, but it requires all levels of truth and this truth can be accessed through one’s voice.

About phyliceia

Hey sunshine!

There are so many people who are survivors of something. Some are here with us today and some are not.

It took a lot for me to believe that my survival story mattered. That my hurt, my heart, my confusion, my dysfunction, and my mental health mattered enough to share.

God has begged me for years to “live unsilenced”. But it was hard. I was scared, nervous, and distracted. I was so fearful and wanted the pain of my past to just go away and be ignored for so long.

God brought my voice out for me to share my truth because YOU may be experiencing these same feelings right now.

This is why I launched Living Unsilenced. For that person who has been or is lost, ashamed, hiding, and suppressing pain and wants freedom from it all. Living Unsilenced is for you.

I hope the content and community can serve you right where you are.


Professional Speaker and Certified Coach